Frequently Asked Questions
Outpatient Imaging Affiliates (“OIA”) is a national owner and operator of outpatient imaging centers. OIA’s primary business model is to joint venture new or existing outpatient imaging centers with local healthcare providers. OIA invests its equity alongside our partners in such projects and provides long term management and billing services to the centers on behalf of the joint venture.
The formation of a joint venture with OIA is designed to provide your organization with OIA’s expertise in the development, management and marketing of outpatient imaging centers. In today’s industry environment, there are no opportunities for second chances and a joint venture with OIA employs a “get it right the first time” mentality while still allowing the originating party the flexibility to focus on its own competencies and priorities.
Additionally, every healthcare provider is faced with increasing demands on an already stretched capital budget and therefore, a joint venture model will minimize your required investment and risk. OIA will provide its own equity in these joint ventures under a flexible financial structure designed to meet the needs of all parties in the venture.
To be competitive in today’s consumer driven environment, hospital owned outpatient imaging centers cannot compete unless they adapt the same entrepreneurial philosophy of their competitors. However, hospital bureaucracy often limits the hospital’s ability to do so. Partner with OIA to bring our proven management expertise to your existing centers.
Each year, OIA will present a Comprehensive Management Plan and Operating Budget to the center’s Board. This document will include a vast amount of information pertaining to the operations of the center including items such as volume forecasts, pro forma financial statements, capital expenditures, marketing plans, hiring needs, expansion opportunities and potential pitfalls. Once approved by the Board, this document becomes OIA’s “marching orders” throughout the year. OIA excels at communication with its partners allowing you to stay on top of your center’s current operating performance while focusing your primary attention on other priorities.
No. OIA seeks only what we consider to be a “meaningful” ownership interest – the amount of which can be dependent on many factors. However, if the parameters of the situation warrant, OIA will certainly accept a minority interest in the venture.
The long-term success of any outpatient imaging center is dependent on its ability to provide the highest level of patient care and satisfaction so that it can successfully compete for referrals from satisfied providers. OIA will utilize its management expertise to establish a “comfort culture” at each center. It is not just our hope, but our expectation that with every point of contact – from patient scheduling to physician interaction – all parties involved will receive a positive and pleasant experience.
We also recognize that it is your community in which we are operating. We build upon your existing mission statements, long term strategic goals, and community involvement plans to initiate a quality based, competitive outpatient imaging centers on which you will certainly be proud to put your name.
Yes, OIA actively seeks acquisition opportunities.